The Weaning War

It sometimes feels like feeding is my Mummy nemesis. From a month-long failed breastfeeding attempt, to having to switch to reflux milk at six weeks old, plus plenty of comments from health professionals, friends, strangers and every other Tom, Dick and Harry about how little Baby Lighty weighs (“Yes he sits between the 2nd and 9th percentile! No I’m not starving him!”), it’s no wonder that Mrs Lighty is slightly paranoid about feeding.

Having said that, weaning is something that I’ve been looking forward to for months and months and months. Even before Baby Lighty was born, I was looking forward to this stage. Perhaps it’s just that I’m a bit of a gannet myself, or perhaps it was a vague, hazy idea of turning myself into a domestic goddess (ha! Considering Mr Lighty is the chef in our household!) that fed my child beautifully presented, homemade, nourishing meals, but either way, I’d been looking forward to weaning for months.

MONTHS, seriously.

So why now does it feel like I’m embroiled in a weaning war?!

It’s not like I wasn’t prepared. I bought (and even read!) the Baby Led Weaning Cookbook. I even did the NCT Introduction to Solids workshop. So why now have my feelings about weaning completely flip-flopped?!

As part of the Introduction to Solids course, we were asked to think about any negative feelings we may have in relation to weaning. For example, if we were breastfeeding, how we’d feel about no longer being the sole giver of nourishment, or how we felt about the likes of grandparents giving our little ones treats. “Negative feelings towards weaning?!” I naively found myself thinking, “whoever would have negative thoughts towards weaning?!” It was going to be so much fun, surely?!

Turns out, FRUSTRATION should’ve been added to my weaning shopping list. Frustration is my negative thought towards weaning. I never thought I’d feel this way towards him, but a few times over the past month since we started weaning, I’ve just felt so darn frustrated with him. “Why won’t my child eat?!”, I’ve been known to cry on more than one occasion.

We did everything right; we waited until six months (well, we started a day early, but who’s counting?!), we tried banana as our first Baby Led Weaning food, and he duly turned his nose up – or rather, turned his nose away from the banana, lips tightly shut. So then we tried purées. Nothing; hated it. It has been a stressful few weeks of watching other babies of the same age take to eating like they’ve always been doing it, while Baby Lighty remains uninterested. Well meaning friends kindly told me I was expecting too much too soon, and I knew they were right, so why was it still so frustrating?


“No I don’t want to try the sweet potato Mummy!”

Not too keen on broccoli either!
Then, at about Christmas time, the battle started to turn in favour of Mrs Lighty. Baby Lighty started eating little bits and pieces here and there. A few spoonfuls of purée here, the odd carrot stick there. Auntie Lighty’s mushroom soup was a bit of a hit on Boxing Day, as was smoked salmon, rocket and Big Hot Cheese (baked Camembert, for the uninitiated!) at Great Auntie Tempy’s at New Year – perhaps this is a baby of expensive tastes?! He has even started saying something that sounds suspiciously like “yum, yum, yum!” when he wants some more…

Enjoying Auntie Lighty’s mushroom soup on Boxing Day.
Loving porridge!

So perhaps we are advancing; I am under no illusion that the battle is not yet won, and that there will be setbacks along the way, but for now Mrs Lighty will take these small victories.

Proud to be linking up with:

Mami 2 Five
Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie
Mudpie Fridays
Midwife and Life

24 thoughts on “The Weaning War

  1. Oh my goodness. Your little man is just the cutest little person! I know it’s easy but try not to stress lovely. It sounds like you’re doing an amazing job and he seems to be getting into the swing of things. Like all things baby… I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that they’ll all just do it when it suits them.



    1. I know you’re right, and if he hadn’t been born so little (then starved for a month when I was feeding him, ha!!) I probably wouldn’t worry so much. I’m sure he will get there in his own time as you say xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know how you feel hon. My little man lost a scary amount of weight in his second week as he wasn’t feeding properly from me. We ended up in hospital and I never really got over it. I weighed him obsessively and he was always at the lower end of the scale despite being bang on in the middle at birth. Luckily now he eats like a baby dinosaur and I haven’t weighed him for months. D will get there in his own time. Just know that you’re doing the very best that you can in the meantime xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah I remember the weaning days well! To be honest, it’s just as frustrating now my son is 3 because he can tell me he doesn’t want something…even though it was his favourite last week!! He’ll get it, so don’t worry too much. My HV used to tell us that ” food before one is just for fun” , he’ll get all he needs from his milk 🙂 xx #sundaystars


    1. Yep I keep telling myself that too!! He is definitely getting better, he’s eaten loads today. I remember the NCT breastfeeding / weaning teacher telling her teenage daughter at baby group what to get for dinner, and then she turned to me – who was struggling with breastfeeding when Baby Lighty was just a few weeks old – and said “feeding never gets any easier, you know!”, ha! Thanks for reading my post 🙂 #sundaystars


  3. Ah, I can relate to lots of this – my son fell between the 2nd and 9th percentile too, and I was very obsessive about his weight. On the plus side, he took to solids amazingly and eats a huge amount. Do you know where he still sits? Yup, 9th percentile!

    It sounds like you guys are making great progress though – and he’s a real cutie! #BloggerClubUK


  4. Your little man is gorgeous. Even with porridge all around his mouth. I was the complete opposite to you. I dreaded the idea of weaning. I could quite happily have kept Little Miss H on formula forever. Feeding your child is one of those things that everyone has an opinion on. Grrrrr! And the thing is, these kids, will just do and eat whatever they want to. As parents we have no control whatsoever. Good luck! And thanks so much for linking up to #SundayStars. Hugs Lucy xxxx


  5. It sounds like you’re making good progress! I’m expecting my first baby in June, so I’ve got all this ahead of me. I can imagine it must be very frustrating and admire your perseverance!


    1. Thank you! I personally have found anything food related difficult, but then other mums find other things difficult that I’ve found relatively easy, so it’s all swings & roundabouts! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and your new arrival, June babies are the best 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This was so refreshing to read!! My toddler loved anything smooth but would not touch anything lumpy or solid for a long time. I think she was just lazy really and didn’t want to hold anything herself! I’m so glad to hear your experience has turned in your favour, I really hope it continues for you x #BloggerClubUK


  7. Ha ha, weaning…been through it twice now and lets just say I look forward ti the day the whole family can eat steak and chips for tea, Preferably in a restaurant. With someone else paying. And cleaning up.
    Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub!


  8. Aaahh, such a cute boy, glad he’s doing well! Weaning is a struggle, my little one is 1 and some days he seems to refuse food, especially when you’ve cooked especially, grrr! On the whole it’s going well though. Thank you so much for linking up to #showandtell, I hope to see you again next week x


    1. Thank you for having me! It’s nice to support a new linky 🙂 Ah glad it’s not just me that struggles…part of what I love about blogging is finding common ground with other mums. Today though has been a good eating day, so little victories and all that!! Thanks for reading my post 🙂 #showandtell


  9. Oh god, I hate weaning! much prefer the simple milk stage, and it’s okay once they get to about 2 and can pretty much feed themselves anything, without too much mess, and normally eat what you do. But the inbetween? Hate it! The mess. The having to think of food ideas. Make them. Have them not eaten! My eldest weaned really easily – she ate everything and as much as possible from the start. Youngest was a nightmare – it took until she was 10 months for her to really start to agree to eat regular food at all. She’s still quite fussy & she is only happy if she can so it all herself so takes forever! & she still has milk. Eldest weaned off breast at 13 months easily, little is refusing to surrender at 17 months! #showandtell


    1. I’m definitely feeling your pain on this one!! I agree about the having to thick up ideas then it have them eaten…today he scoffed down hummus on toast, some cheese, a cherry tomato and a yoghurt at lunch. Great, I thought, we’re getting somewhere! But then at dinner, he was much more interested in throwing his chilli con carne around and tipping the bowl over than eating any!! Thanks for reading my post 🙂 #showandtell


  10. Oh I remember this stage and had exactly the same issue, especially when Monkey developed an allergic reaction to Hummus one of the best weaning foods around… or not!! It sounds like you are well on your way to cracking it through, I mean seriously smoked salmon thats brilliant :). Good luck with the perseverance – by the way it was sesame he was allergic to so don’t panic (just read your reply above). Thank you for joining us at #BloggerClubUK hope to see you again next week x


    1. Haha! Don’t worry, as I’m wheat intolerant I’m really vigilant towards allergies / intolerances!! I really hope you’re right and we’re on our way to cracking this weaning malarkey!! Thanks for hosting #BloggerClubUk 🙂


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