Hair Brained or Baby Brained?!

I write this from the comfort of my hairdresser’s chair. I say comfort, because this should be a relaxing new mummy treat – hair being done, magazines and phone at hand, hot (yes, hot!) cup of tea in front of me – but actually my thoughts are consumed, as always, by Baby Lighty.

I can count on just half of one hand the number of times I’ve times I’ve left him up until now in the 18 weeks since his arrival. And by leaving him, I mean that he is safely ensconced with Mr Lighty, and never for more than 2 hours at a time. So why am I still gulping down my tea like he might suddenly wake up from his nap at any moment and demand a feed, and why is my helicopter brain going round and round with thoughts of him?

The all consuming love of motherhood is a factor, of course it is, but in my humble opinion, the other factor is baby brain.

Ever so slightly sort-of new-ish hair…if you’re trying to spot the difference, I’ve had the ends ombréd!
Yes, that’s right, baby brain. I’ve been meaning to write a blog about this topic for a while, because I have suffered, and suffered bad, but as Mr Lighty pointed out, I’d probably forget what I wanted to write before I put pen to paper, or in more modern terms, fingers to iPhone app!

When I was pregnant I suffered. But not quite as bad. I once went out to work and got to the end of the road before I realised that very short sighted Mrs Lighty had not put her glasses on and wasn’t wearing contact lenses, and I was definitely more forgetful, but not to the extent that I’m suffering now. And I’m sure that’s due to the fact that my thoughts are so consumed by Baby Lighty. All day. Every day. Just as a mother’s thoughts should be, but I’m driving Mr Lighty up the wall.

It’s like my brain is so full of Baby Lighty, that there’s no room for anything else. The metaphorical sponge has turned to rock. Mr Lighty’ll tell me something and I’ll forget. He’ll try to explain something to me and I just won’t get it. Or he’ll talk to me and be met by a vacant expression. And don’t even ask a group of NCT friends to work out how a bill should be split at the end of a lunch together!!

But at the opposite end of the spectrum, I’ll be very aware of when Baby Lighty needs his next bottle made up, or what we need to buy with our food shop to meet his needs, and can easily rattle off how many ounces of formula he’s drunk that day!

So am I relaxing here in the hairdressers?? No I am not. I’m thinking about my darling Baby Lighty instead. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I just need to write the things that Mr Lighty tells me down, before my baby brain forgets…

Everything Mummy

My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows

10 thoughts on “Hair Brained or Baby Brained?!

  1. Haha love this. I’m totally with you though. I get half way through a sentence now and then “ooh a butterfly, what was I saying??” I too drive my hubby just a little bit potty! :0) xx


  2. Ah bless you!! Sounds like you’re missing your little one. I love my babies so much but also LOVE my ‘me time’ so never really suffered the guilt of separation even when they were tinny. Don’t get me wrong I always got very excited when I got near the house but ‘me time’ is so important too – for me anyway. It’s what keeps me sane! Thanks so much for linking up to #SundayStars xxx


    1. Oh no I totally understand and appreciate that too…it’s just very difficult to switch off!! Hopefully I’ll become better at the ‘me time’ when I become more confident as a mother. Thanks for reading and hosting #SundayStars 🙂

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  3. Well done on getting out of the house! I wish I could give you hope for the end of baby brain, but I’m still waiting and mine are 6yo and 2yo. I think a large section of my brain is just gone, forever. I hopped out of the shower recently, put my glasses on and wondered why I couldn’t see properly. Cleaned them, cleaned the mirror, still couldn’t see properly. Started to panic, thinking I’d had a stroke mid-shower… then I remembered I still had my contact lenses in. It’s either long-term baby brain, or I’ve turned into an idiot. #fartglitter


    1. Haha!! Glad the glasses mishap isn’t just me if I’m honest!! I mostly feel bad for my friends, they message me & it’s pure pot luck whether I remember to reply to them!! Thanks for reading 🙂 #FartGlitter

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  4. I hear you. I remember going to the shops for three things, not complicated things, nappies, bread etc and forgetting all of them. I just stood in the middle of the shop for ages trying and failing to remember. Couldn’t ring home and ask because I’d forgotten my phone. Hopeless.
    Thanks so much for linking up to #fartgltter xxx


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